MARY PARMELIA SQUIER DIES. ~ She Was Widely Known as an Author and Educator.

August 20, 1908

She Was Widely Known as an Au-
thor and Educator.

Miss Mary Parmelia Squier, 52 years old, author and educator, died at her home, 3507 Highland avenue, yesterday afternoon. She was born in Belmont county, O., and was the daughter of E. K. Squier, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church in Pittsburg, Pa. She graduated from the high school there and attended the University of Chicago and took a degree. She also attended the Cincinnati Conservatory of music and graduated there. For ten years she taught in the ward schools of Chicago and one year in an Illinois college. She then moved to Kansas City, where her cousin J. J. Squier, owner of the Squier manor, was living, and opened a private school. She conducted this school until two years ago, when she retired to start a bi-monthly magazine. Its name is Home Education and it is printed in Chicago. Miss Squier was editor.

Miss Squier was interested in many movements for the bettering of social conditions, but particularly in the bettering of the Chicago schools and in taking the appointment of teachers out of politics. She spent much of her time in that city and had traveled extensively in other parts of the country.

Miss Squier wrote serious articles for many magazines besides her own, and was a member of clubs in Chicago. The funeral services will be held tomorrow at Marshall, Mo., where her parents are buried. A brother, Charles S. Squier, lives in this city.