Lack of Public Interest Prevents
Convention Hall Display.
There will be no horse show in Convention hall this fall. W. A. Rule, president of the Horse Show Association, explained yesterday that "a lack of public interest is responsible for this. There is not time now to get up such a show as we would want to give, and when there was time in which to make such arrangements there was not sufficient interest."
It had been announced two months ago that there would be a horse show. Cities east of here, notable St. Louis, have foregone their annual horse shows this year, which would make it doubly hard for Kansas City, remote as it is, to get a string of exhibitors to come here for the show.
There are prospects that the horse show attachment to the America Royal Live Stock show will be enlarged and taken somewhere up to the height of perfection of a Convention hall horse show. Younger Denny, who managed the horse show at the yards last year, said yesterday, however, that he had received no instructions this year, and he id not know what would be done.