Parents of Girls Arrested by Him
Will Make Complaint.
That Wanda McComb, aged 14 years, and Freda Westerman, aged 15 years, the two girls who were taken in charge by a man representing himself to be a park policeman while they were listening to a band concert at Thirteenth and Summit streets Monday night, were roughly handled and subjected to abusive treatment by their captor, was made evident from several ugly wounds on little Miss McComb's hands and a statement by her yesterday. The girl's father will prefer information against the accused man.
"We were doing nothing when the man came up and caught hold of us," said Wanda. "He told us that he was an officer and that we were under arrest. When we endeavored to learn the reason for our arrest the man swore at us and dug his fingernails into our arms and hands as he dragged us along,"
The girl said that the man told them that they were to go to the Detention home, but instead of taking them directly there compelled them to ride about on a car and finally walked them a considerable distance to the home, where he was censured by officials and sent away. The girls finally were found at the Detention home by the parents of Wanda who, becoming worried because of her absence, were looking for her.
Both girls, although neither knows his name, declare that they will be able to identify the policeman who caused them so much trouble, and when this is done complaints will be lodged against him with the police and park boards.
The girls have been requested to appear at the Detention home today and relate their experiences to F. E. McCreary, deputy probation officer.