Sullivan and Hayde Are Given Just
One More Chance.
Thomas F. Hayde and Eugene F. Sullivan, city detectives, were before the board of police commissioners yesterday charged with similar offenses -- failing to report for duty. Sullivan was also charged with being incorrigible, because it was said he refused to walk with his partner. He said, however, that his partner had refused to walk with him, that the board has it backwards.
Both men admitted that they "dabbled in wet goods," just a little, when the failed to report. To Sullivan, who is redheaded, Mayor Thomas T. Crittenden, Jr., said: "See here, do you know that there aren't but a few of us redheaded fellows left? You'd better wheel into line now. I am always willing to give a man one chance, especially when he is redheaded like myself."
"If this board ever has occasion to call me before it again I will ask no favors," said Sullivan. "I will resign."
"How about Old Black Joe?" asked the mayor of Detective Hayde.
"Them's my sentiments," he replied.
"Then go, both of you, and sin no more," was the verdict of the board.