Judge Sims Wants Posts Established
by State Law.
C. W. Russell, a street car motorman, was arraigned before Judge John T. Sims in police court, Kansas City, Kas., yesterday morning on the charge of beating his wife. He was not ready for trial and the case was continued until this morning. In default of $500 bond he was locked up. Mrs. Russell, whose face showed evidence of the beating she received, was present in court carrying an infant. She will testify against her husband.
Judge Sims after granting a continuance in the Russell case announced that he favored a public whipping post for all wife beaters. "I hope that the next legislature," said the judge, "will pass a law creating a whipping post in all cities of the first class within the state. There is scarcely a day passes that I am not informed of some brutal husband beating his wife. It is getting terrible."