J. C. McLain, Retired Soldier, Dies
Suddenly in His Room.
J. C. McLain, 64 years old, who for thirty-four years was a soldier in the United States army, died yesterday afternoon at his room in the home of F. H. Hendricks, 725 Forest avenue.
McLain's life was lonely. He never married and had never seen a marriage solemnized in his life. Enlisting in the army at the close of the civil war, his years were passed in a monotonous routine, which was varied occasionally by active service. He had seen most parts of the United States, including the island possessions.
The first active service he saw was in the Sioux uprising, when he was within thirty miles of Custer when the latter was killed and came to the scene of the slaughter the next day and assisted in avenging his death. During the Spanish was he served in Cuba and also in the Philippines in a cavalry regiment and saw some lively fighting, being wounded several times. After the war he was stationed in various islands of the Pacific archipelago, helping to pacify them.
Five years ago he retired form the army on full pay and had been living in different parts of the country since. For the past ten months he had lived at the Forest avenue address, doing his own housekeeping. His erect, soldierly bearing remained with him to the last. He never spoke much about himself, but read a great deal.
His death was sudden. Yesterday morning he complained of pains in his stomach and went downtown and purchased a bottle which he said contained medicine. A few hours later he was found dead in his room. Coroner George B. Thompson was notified and viewed the body last night. He will make a thorough investigation this morning. The body is at Stine's undertaking rooms. The only surviving relatives that his is known to have are a brother in Iowa and a sister who lives somewhere in Missouri.