IMAGINARY TROUBLE MADE TWO GIRLS TRY SUICIDE. ~ One Was Out of Work, the Other Feared She'd Be Docked for Being Late.

September 9, 1908

One Was Out of Work, the Other
Feared She'd Be Docked for
Being Late.

Valna Walker, 17 years old, and Sylvia Miles, 18 years old, inhaled chloroform at the home of the latter, 1507 Washington street, yesterday morning. Miss Walter lives at 10 Rosedale avenue, Rosedale, Kas., but had remained all night with Miss Miles. They were found about 10 o'clock yesterday morning by inmates of the house. Dr. W. L. Gist was called with an ambulance from the emergency hospital and revived them. They were left at 1507 Washington street.

As a reason for the attempt on her life, Valna Waller said that she had recently lost her job at the Metropolitan Cleaners and Dyers, 4637 Troost avenue. Both the girls were out late Monday night at a party and, as a consequence, slept late yesterday morning. Sylvia Miles, who works for the Jones Dry Goods Company, said she feared to be docked for being late, or that she might lose her job altogether, therefore, death was considered the only way to settle her "troubles" for all time to come. Dr. Gist gave the girls a good lecture and showed them how foolish their attempt had been.

"As we didn't succeed," one of them told the doctor, "we have concluded to have nothing published about it."

"Your cases will be placed on record with others," was all the consolation they got.