Fire and Water Board Will Hear
Their Demand.
"Why didn't you come to the board thirty days ago and ask for a raise in wages and not wait until a new commission is to take over the control of the waterworks a week hence?" asked R. L. Gregory, president of the board of public works, yesterday of a delegation of waterworks laborers that asked that their pay be raised from $1.75 to $2 a day.
"We didn't suppose there was any hurry, that the campaign promises of both Crittenden and Gregory to raise our wages stood good for any old time," replied the spokesman of the party.
"I have no recollection of making any such declarations in the campaign," said Mr. Gregory, "but if I did you can bet I'll stand by them if there is any merit to your demands."
The proposal was passed up to the fire and water board, which will formally organize under the new charter next Thursday.