TOOK POTASH AND A CIGARETTE. ~ But Neither Harmed Harry Jacobs, Cook, With a Poison Record.

September 13, 1908

But Neither Harmed Harry Jacobs,
Cook, With a Poison Record.

An ambulance call was received at the Walnut street police station last night about 10:30, on a report that a man had tried to commit suicide by poisoning himself. When the ambulance arrived the patient, Harry Jacobs, a cook, living at 1508 Olive street, was found on the front porch smoking a cigarette. He did not deny that he had taken potash, but seemed to have completely recovered.

"You ought to remember me," he said to the surgeon, Dr. Warren T.Thornton, "you pumped a dose of carbolic acid out of me a month ago."

He did not give any reason for the attempt.