WAS DISCOURTEOUS TO WOMEN. ~ So Policeman H. C. Johnson Was Dropped From the Force.

September 10, 1908

So Policeman H. C. Johnson Was
Dropped From the Force.

Henry C. Johnson, a probation officer walking a beat in the East Bottoms, No. 8 district, was yesterday ordered dropped from the department by the board of police commissioners. Johnson was one of the last batch of forty-one men added to the force. Charges of conduct unbecoming an officer had been filed against him by several women.

It was agreed by the board yesterday that the place to try the case of Patrolman E. F. Stockdale, charged by his wife with abandonment, non-support and cruelty, was in divorce court. When the patrolman's attorney informed the board that suit for divorce had been filed August 25, the case was ordered continued indefinitely.