Residents Near Fifteenth and Paseo
Amazed When They Saw It.
Scores of people on the Paseo yesterday afternoon stopped in amazement at Fifteenth street to admire the rainbow fountain, the rehabilitation of which was completed Saturday, and the water turned on for the first time yesterday. There is not much of the beautiful or artistic about the fountain, but twenty sprays of water sent from as many pipes afforded much delight to the children.
The sprays are arranged in a circle about the fountain, there being fifteen on the outer rim, four in the center and one on top, all throwing water toward the center.
The sun shining upon the water brings out the colors of the prism, hence the name, "rainbow fountain." This is the old cement pile, completed years ago, which, owing to a miscalculation on the architect's part, was never used. It was found that the quantity of water required to play the fountain would drain the water pipes in that section of the city. The pipes were recently replaced by smaller ones, and the fountain can be used, at least once in a while now without bankrupting the city or cutting off the water supply from the surrounding homes.