Nothing but Girls, Young Ones, in
the Spectacle to Be Given
by the Y. W. C. A.
Gaudy-colored posters in the quiet lunch room of the Y. W. C. A. will next week announce the first of the series of jolly evening planned by that organization for its members. October 1 has been decided upon as the rally day for both the educational departments and the gymnasium, and in place of the usual routine speeches there will be a parade in the gymnasium. It will combine humor, instruction, and beauty. For a few days prior to that eventful night the youngsters will look in vain for their Irish Mail wagons, their coasters and their tricycle automobiles, for these are to be the foundations of the floats.
The pageant will be headed by a band in uniform. This band will render at least three selections. Old horns, jews harps, fine and course tooth combs and all sorts of wonderful instruments are being collected and the band members have promised to rehearse their repertoire before their engagement. The lights in the gymnasium will all be extinguished that the effect of the floats may not be lost. Ahead of each float will march two dominoed torch bearers and the floats will be ablaze with lanterns and candles.
The subject of the floats is still a mystery. "Jackson" will be on hand and will distribute souvenirs indiscriminately. No one need to subscribe anything to obtain them. Each float will throw out handfuls of circulars advertising the department it represents. The gymnasium is to have two floats and promised something unique. The pottery and metal workers are going to show something beautiful in the way of their handicraft. The lunch room, the cooking department, the sewing, the millinery, the extension and language departments will all be represented, and even the dignified members of the Bible classes have promised to march in cap and gown.
A cordial invitation is being extended to everybody except the men.
Kansas City's Y. W. C. A. now stands sixth in the United States in point of membership, and it is said that a large percentage of this number has been gained through the good times originated by the various committees. A large number was also gained through the membership campaign of last year when the organization divided into two bodies and held a war of roses. A campaign for new members will be held again this year, but it will be along different lines and promises to be even more unique.