CARES FOR AN AGED WANDERER. ~ Joseph Belile, 98 Years Old, Is Lodged at Helping Hand.

October 17, 1908

Joseph Belile, 98 Years Old, Is Lodged
at Helping Hand.

A man who lacks but two years of crossing the century age mark was housed at the Helping Hand Institute last night. The officials at the Union depot found the old man wandering about the station and took charge of him. He is nearly blind.

To F. H. Ream at the Helping Hand the wanderer gave the name of Joseph Belile. He is French-Canadian and hard to understand. When questioned he puts his hand to his head and says: "Stop, you make my head hurt."

No one appeared to know how the centenarian came to be here until he was searched late last night and papers of explanation were found. On the back of a Wabash envelope was written: "Ticket to Kansas City enclosed." On a slip of paper with a Danville, Ill., heading was written: "Destination Liberal, Kas. -- J. Belile."

It is now believed that the aged man is the subject of charity and that some organization in Danville swent him here. The matter of sending him on further will be taken up as soon as it can be learned if Mr. Belile has any one in Liberal, Kas., who will care for him.