COMING AFTER POINTERS. ~ Indianapolis Park Board Will View Parks and Boulevards.

October 1, 1908

Indianapolis Park Board Will View
Parks and Boulevards.

The park board is to have as guests next Saturday, Mayor Bookwaller of Indianapolis, Ind., and the park board of that city. Accompanying the mayor will be Dr. Henry Jensen and John J. Appel, president and vice president, respectively, of the park board and William J. Murray and Charles E. Coffin, members. Indianapolis is spending considerable money on its parks and boulevard system along plans and designs proposed by George E. Kessler of the Kansas City park board.

Indianapolis is taking Kansas City as a model for its public and civic improvements, and this in a way is due to the fact that Mayor Bookwalter was at one time a resident of Kansas City. A few years ago the mayor and a delegation of aldermen came to this city to get ideas from the architecture of Convention hall to build a similar structure there.