DOMESTIC REFUSES PENSION. ~ $500 Has Accumulated, but Mary Carpenter Refuses to Touch It.

September 27, 1908

$500 Has Accumulated, but Mary
Carpenter Refuses to Touch It.

Although Mrs. Mary Carpenter of 902 Central avenue, Kansas City, Kas., is entitled to a pension of $12 a month as the widow of a civil war veteran, she has steadfastly refused to sign the vouchers sent her by the national government. Mrs. Carpenter's husband has been dead four years and since that time pension vouchers have accumulated until now she has over $500 owed her by the government.

Yesterday morning Judge Van B. Prather, probate judge of Wyandotte county, appointed the Banking Trust Company of Kansas City, Kas., guardian of the pension money now in the company's vaults and of future payments. Mrs. Carpenter is employed as a cook in a Kansas City, Kas., restaurant, and refuses to give a reason for not taking the money which is coming to her.