Mrs. Irene Harris Said It Was a Joke,
but Emergency Hospital Doc-
tor Couldn't See It.
"Hello, emergency hospital?" was the question asked at 8 o'clock last night of Edward Hicks, clerk at the emergency. "Yes," he answered, "what do you want?"
"A doctor and ambulance," was the reply. The man added that Mrs. Irene Harris, 517 East Fifteenth street, had taken poison.
The ambulance was called and Dr. George Piplin went with it. As he went through the office of the hospital he grabbed a stomach pump and his satchel, containing antidotes for every known poison.
The driver of the ambulance urged his team to their utmost, and pulled up in front of the address given with the steam rising from his horses. Dr. Pipkin hurried inside of the house where he found rs. Harris on the sofa feigning sickness. He applied his remedies and then discovered that it was a practical joke on the part of the woman. At first she claimed to have taken carbolic acid, then another poison, and finally admitted that it was all a hoax. She said she did not think her husband loved her enough and only tried to compel him to.
Dr. Pipkin failed to see the joke and took her back to the hospital with him, where she was kept all night. "After this," Dr. Pipkin said, ""I will make it a rule to send all suicide jokers to the holdover and let them explain the conundrum to Judge Kyle the next day."