GETS FOUR YEARS IN THE PEN. ~ Ward Headley Convicted of Assault on Two Girls.

September 23, 1908

Ward Headley Convicted of Assault
on Two Girls.

Ward Headley, charged with assaulting Ethel Kelso, 7, and Eunice Swift, 5 years old, was found guilty last night in the criminal court and his punishment fixed at four years in the penitentiary. The jury was out two hours. Headley was an employe of a men's furnishing establishment and had been married but two weeks when he attacked the two little girls, July 4, at the home of O. J. Swift, 1815 Kansas avenue. The Kelso family lived nearby and the two little girls were together at the Swift home where Headley was a guest. Headley and his bride lived at 2921 East Sixteenth street.