NEW CAFE OPENS. ~ "Johnston's" to Be a Show Place of Kansas City.

October 7, 1908

"Johnston's" to Be a Show Place of
Kansas City.

Just in time for lunch today will be opened one of the finest cafes in the United States -- "Johnston's" at 1008-1010 Walnut street. Most people remember the famous "Johnston's" as it was formerly, but this new cafe is far and away ahead of the other, ranking among the best known in point of general equipment.

One may take the elevator or the marble stairway down. The cafe is remarkably well lighted and ventilated; the walls beautifully decorated by hand, and the fixtures, which are of rich Circassian walnut, were made expressly for the establishment. Large beveled mirrors add to the apparent size of the place.

It has always been a hobby with J. A. Johnston to have his kitchens scrupulously clean. that of the new cafe would delight the heart of the most fastidious. His chef is one of the best in this community. at 11:30 today the noonday a la carte lunch will start, closing at 2:30, and a la carte dinner will be served from 6 to 8 at night. A delicatessen bill, as toothsome as only Johnston can provide it, will be in effect daily from 11:30 in the morning until the closing hour.

This new cafe caters exclusively to gentlemen and contains many conveniences such as telephone booths and so forth. Two hundred people can be seated at one time in the care, and the entire room holds about a thousand people.