OLD HOSPITAL FOR NEGROES. ~ Board Has About Decided to Put It to That Use.

October 14, 1908

Board Has About Decided to Put It
to That Use.

The hospital and health board at its meeting yesterday informally discussed the propriety of continuing the old city hospital buildings for the accommodation of negroes. While no definite action was taken, it is more than likely, W . P. Motley, a member of the board, said last night, that the plan will be carried out.

As a general proposition the buildings are in good shape, and they can be made much more so by the expenditure of a few hundred dollars.

"I have had talks with prominent negro physicians of the city," said Mr. Motley, "and they are unanimous in saying that it would be the proper plan to segregate negro patients from white patients in separate hospitals. It is intended to appoint a staff of negro surgeons to be in charge of the hospital."