Patrick Bulger Fell to Street Car
Tracks and Was Hurt.
Hobo hill, near Second and Walnut streets, where so many men have gone to sleep and then rolled down onto the street car tracks in front of cars, came near claiming another victim last night. Patrick Bulger, 28 years old, a citizen of Independence, Mo., had gone down to take the interurban train for home. He missed it and fell asleep on the fatal hillside.
Presently a Holmes street car came bowling along and Bulger awoke with a start. He started so far that he rolled to the tracks and against the car just in time to be caught under the coat by rear steps. He was scraped along the spine, lost several square inches of skin and was dragged thirty feet to the tracks of the Kansas City Southern railway. The ambulance took him to the emergency hospital, where his injuries were dressed. A pint bottle of whiskey which Bulger carried in his coat pocket was not even cracked.
Many men have been killed and many injured at this very point. On the afternoon of September 5 Frank Nugent, a citizen of anywhere his hat was allowed to hang, performed the sleeping, waking and rolling feat. He lost his left leg just above the ankle and is now in the general hospital.