TOO MANY MASHERS THERE. ~ Kansas City, Kas., Girls Welcome Arrest by St. Louis Policeman.

October 11, 1908

Kansas City, Kas., Girls Welcome Ar-
rest by St. Louis Policeman.

ST. LOUIS, MO., October. 10. -- (Special.) Two pretty, well dressed young girls declared to day that they were glad to be arrested if it would only take them out of St. Louis and back to Kansas City. There are too many mashers here, they say. Patrolman Taylor of the Central district found them at 1413 Washington avenue. When he asked them if they were Mabel Greenway of 316 North Tenth street and Vena Sheirel of 432 Armstrong avenue, Kansas City, Kas., they ran toward him.

"Oh, it's a policeman," cried Miss Greenway. "Are you going to arrest us? We're glad of it if you'll only send us back to dear old Kansas City."

"Goodness, but we'll be glad to get out of St. Louis," said Miss Sheirel. "It's perfectly horrid here. Nearly ever man we meet on the street seems to be a masher. They stare at us and wink and make remarks until we are afraid to go out of the house. Dear old Kansas City is slow, but it is better than St. Louis."