'TWAS A PLESANT FIRE ALARM. ~ "Your Pay Has Been Raised," Said One Telephone Operator.

October 21, 1908

"Your Pay Has Been Raised," Said One
Telephone Operator.

Ordinary firemen lose their temper when routed out of bed at night on a false alarm, but not so with the members of the Kansas City, Kas., department, when Miss Jennie Quick, telephone operator at the city hall, sent in a general alarm last night at 11 o'clock. After the firemen had all hopped out of bed and made hitches at the various stations, Miss Quick informed them that there was no fire, but that the council had just passed an ordinance raising their salaries. Of course, the telephone girl was excused and her joke accepted in the very best of humor.

Under the new ordinance the chief is to receive $150 per month, the assistant men are to receive $70 a month for the first six months' service and $80 thereafter. Heretofore the regular firemen received $70, the chief $116 and the assistant $83. The new schedule of salaries goes into effect January 1, next.

Upon motion of Alderman T. J. Lyons of the Sixth ward, the city clerk was instructed to notify the official city paper that it must have a man present at every meeting of the council and print a full report of the proceedings.