The Mistake Almost Cost Mrs. Pearl
Corder, Elm Ridge, Her Life.
Mrs. Pearl Corder, 19 years old, the wife of F. W. Corder, a wagon driver for the Elm Ridge Jockey Club, went to the safe in her home yesterday morning to get some olive oil. She took up a bottle which she thought to be the right one, poured out a tablespoonful of the contents and drank it. Then she fell to the floor, writhing with pain. The bottle contained carbolic acid. It had stood on the same shelf with the bottle of olive oil for a year and the decomposition of a cork which had fallen inside made the acid the same color as the oil.
Dr. Mark H. Rhoads, who lives at Sixty-first street and Troost avenue, was called and treated Mrs. Corder. She will recover. The Corders have been married two years and have a child. 11 months old. They live in a cottage inside the Elm Ridge inclosure. Mrs. Corder stated last night that she took the acid accidentally and that she had no cause to be unhappy.