Defective Arc Lights Were Out Until
After 10 o'Clock.
Passengers leaving the Union station last night were considerably inconvenienced by the absence of light in the train sheds until after 10 o'clock, while the station employes had not a little difficulty loading the many trains scheduled to leave before that time.
A defective fuse was responsible for the arcs failing to light at the proper time. The sheds were dark, the only light coming from the glare of headlights and red lanterns at the train ends. So far as could be learned passengers succeeded in groping their way to the right trains, but in many instances they were sent from one end of the sheds to the other before their tickets were honored by brakemen at the steps.
Ordinarily the train sheds of Union station are bad enough, but when there is no light on a dark night the projecting ends of the boards in the platform make walking exceedingly dangerous. There were several hard falls before the lights came on last night.