Humane Officer Tells What He Does
Every Day of the Year.
Now that the summer months have ended the Humane officers are spending most of their time in the downtown districts where hauling and traffic are heaviest. Though the attention of the Humane officers is directed mostly to horses which are being overloaded or driven while sick and lame, a good deal is done by them to relieve suffering of humanity of all kinds. In telling of one day's work W. H. Gibbens, field agent of the society, said:
"One morning in the North End, I required five double-ups of overloaded teams, sent four horses to the shops for rough shoes, took one poor old horse out of harness and put an end to its misery by humanely destroying it, shot two maimed dogs and sent one horse to the hospital. Then I went to the municipal court and satisfactorily prosecuted a case, settled a family row and sent a sick boy to his home in Cincinnati."
Such is the kind of work which the Humane Society is doing in Kansas City. According to Mr. Gibbens the summer months passed without there being any flagrant case of cold-hearted brutality, but there was a great deal of cruelty to animals due to the desire to work them for every cent they could make and every pound they could carry.