NEW LONG DISTANCE 'PHONE. ~ Independent Kansas City-New York Connection Planned.

October 29, 1908

Independent Kansas City-New York
Connection Planned.

BUFFALO, N. Y., Oct. 28. -- (Special.) A dispatch was printed here today stating that the much-rumored merger of independent telephone lines between Kansas City and New York was about to be consummated.

Burt G. Hubbell, president of the Inter-Ocean Telephone and Telegraph Company, the leading independent line in this vicinity, said that, according to plans outlined, all the independent companies between here and New York city, in the East, Kansas City, in the West, and Mobile, Ala., in the South, are to be merged.

"Twelve companies will go into the syndicate, giving a complete and immediate long distance service between Buffalo, Rochester, Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, Philadelphia, Syracuse, St. Louis and intermediate points," said Mr. Hubbard.

The merger, as now planned, will unite 20,000 miles of poles and a group of companies with a total invested capital of $200,000,000.