PUTS BEDBUG IN A CAPSULE. ~ And Gives It to Children to Cure Chills and Fever.

October 31, 1908

And Gives It to Children to Cure
Chills and Fever.

"Are bedbugs good for chills and fever?"

This inquiry stumped Dr. E. L. Mathias, probation officer, yesterday. After he had taken the count, the doctor sat up and asked particulars of the man who had propounded the question. The visitor to the Detention home explained:

"There is a woman out in our section of town who has ideas of her own about medicine. When her children have chills and fever, she puts a bedbug in a capsule and feeds it to them. Is that all right?

The doctor promised to look into the capsules. "Maybe it's a valuable addition to the scientific knowledge of medicine," he said.