Youngsters Smuggle Themselves On
Viaduct Under Farm Wagons.
"I had to do somethin' a few days ago that I hated worse'en anything I've done for a long time," said a member of the police force a few days ago. "You know the kids have been just crazy over this roller skatin' business. Course, we try t' let 'em have all the fun they kin, long as they don't bother nobody. A few days ago the people in charge of the intercity viaduct got to complainin' 'bout three kids that managed to git onto the viaduct some way, an' stay out there the livelong day doin' nothin' but skate.
"Well, I couldn't see how that was hurtin' the viaduct, but we got orders to keep the kids off. Well, sir, I laid for them kids for 'bout a week tryin' to catch 'em, but we couldn't find where they got on. We'd put a man at each end an' keep a careful watch, even looked in two or three wagons, but never found no boys. Just the same they'd show up and keep on skatin. I finally give it up, 'cause it didn't amount to much, anyway. Just by accident, two or three days ago I got onto the scheme. You see, the kids git up about Fifth and Minnesota avenue in Kansas City, Kas. They wait till a farm wagon comes along. Then one of 'em sneaks under the wagon, just sits on his skates and is hauled out onto the viaduct. The watchman never thinks of lookin' under the wagon. Of course I had to put a stop to their fun, 'cause orders is orders, but I hated to do it."