Dave Wilkins Proposes a Deal With
Convention Hall and Folk.
Dave Wilkins of Curryville, Mo., does not claim to be a "frenzied financier," nor yet the chairman of any national campaign fund, but he has aspirations which would do credit to either calling if his letter to Manager Louis W. Shouse of Convention hall is taken as a criterion of his financial ability. Mr. Wilkins's rather unique offer is contained in the following letter to Manager Shouse:
"Place your hall at disposal of Gov. Joe Folk of Missouri for Saturday, Nov. 14, 1908. Wire hem to come and deliver one of his most forceful lectures on "Good Government and the Evils of Corrupt Money Powers." Retain 20 per cent for the use of the hall; pay Mr. Folk 40 per cent for the lecture and have him to deliver to me, personally, 40 per cent as my part of the proceeds."
Mr. Wilkins does not state whether he speaks for Mr. Folk in thus offering a date for a lecture, or whether the recent defeat of the governor for the Democratic nomination for United States senator would have much influence in the choice of a subject, but seems to think that there must be some easy money somewhere and wants his share.
Mr. Wilkins further does not state whether or not h e is the manager of a lyceum bureau or simply a plain citizen who seeks to work for the good of his fellow man.
His offer has not been accepted.