Refused to Prosecute Two Men That
Robbed His Safe.
"I didn't have the heart to do it," said Alderman Miles Bulger yesterday after telling the prosecuting attorney to turn loose the two men who had robbed the safe at Bulger & Woolf's "cement emporium."
"It was their first offense; they had been drinking, and it's a poor way of getting even by putting two human beings behind the bars for a term of years. Besides, it makes me feel better. I am sure I would be haunted forever with the thought that I had ruined two lives."
When the men were brought before the prosecuting attorney Mr. Bulger weakened.
"Will you take a pledge not to get drunk for another year?" he asked the weeping men.
"We'll never drink again," sobbed the prisoners.
"All right, get down on your knees and take this pledge," commanded the alderman.
The men did as directed, and Mr. Bulger had them repeat a pledge given by a total abstinence society of which he is a member.
"Here's a dollar for each of you," finished Mr. Bulger.