Mrs. Alvina Morrell, of the Mon-
damin, Left a Note Saying,
"I Am So Tired."
"I Am So Tired."
Worry because her business was losing money caused Mrs. Alvina Morrell, 38 years old, the owner of the Mondamin hotel at Twelfth and Washington streets, to commit suicide last night by taking bichloride of mercury. Mrs. Morrell came here last August and assumed charge of the hotel, and had been losing money steadily ever since.
A note hastily scribbled on a piece of cardboard, probably after the poison had been swallowed, read as follows:
"Let me sleep. I am so tired. Give all I have to mother. Lillie, by-by, I am sick. ALVINA."
The Lillie referred to is her sister, who lives in St. Louis. A telegram from her was received in the afternoon my Mrs. Morrell, saying that the former could not come to this city for Christmas, but would be here the next day. Mrs. Morrell's mother also lives in St. Louis and is very ill. Mrs. Morrell was a widow.
Deputy Coroner Harry Czarlinsky was summoned and made an examination. The body was removed to O'Donnell's undertaking rooms.