Their Pennies and Dimes
Will Swell the Fund.
Convention Hall Will Be Open Today
to Receive Gifts and Almost
Everything Is Solicited
by the Committee.
There's great activity among the committees that are co-operating with Mayor Thomas T. Crittenden, Jr., in the arrangements for the municipally conducted Christmas tree at Convention hall next Friday, from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Contributions of cash, in small and large amounts, are sought, as is also supplies, toys, wearing apparel and anything that is seasonable.
The northwest doors of Convention hall will be opened this morning and continue open every day until Christmas for the reception of merchandise and toys. A detail from the fire department will be in charge, and will receive all offerings.
School children are to be asked to assist in the event. They are to be appealed to for pennies, nickels and dimes, and it is thought the response will be substantial and liberal.
Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon next, A. Judah, manager of the Grand, will have the company playing at the house give a performance free to the poor and worthy children of the city. The tickets of admission will be distributed by the entertainment committee, and only those having tickets from the committee will be admitted.
Letters were yesterday mailed to the pastors of the several churches in the city, requesting them to call the attention of their congregations and Sunday schools to the Christmas tree.
J. Franklin Hudson and J. F. Pelletier appeared before the school board last night with a communication from Mayor Crittenden on the Christmas fund question. They asked that the board suspend the rule made years ago and allow a general collection to be taken up among the schools for the mayor's Christmas tree fund.
"We would suggest that the children be allowed to contribute from a penny to 10 cents each, but no more than 10 cents. Those who could not, of course, would not be asked to contribute," the board was being told.
In explaining what the money would be used for the board was told by Captain Pelletier that it would go toward purchasing candy, fruit and small presents for the big tree in Convention hall, where from 5,000 to 10,000 poor children would be expected. Also that the little souvenirs were to be given to about 2,500 children who will attend the Grand theater next Wednesday.
After deliberating over the matter a long time the board decided to adhere to its rule of allowing no collections of any kind to be taken up among the children of the public schools.