FAMOUS ENTERTAINER COMING. ~ Harry Lauder to Appear in Convention Hall, Sunday, December 27.

December 20, 1908

Harry Lauder to Appear in Conven-
tion Hall, Sunday, December 27.

At last Kansas City is to see Harry Lauder, the comedian who last year took New York by storm and who crowded the huge New York theater to its capacity for eight weeks. This season he returned under the direction of William Morris, and for more than 150 performances he has played to overflowing houses. He could continue his run indefinitely, but in response to literally thousands of requests it has been decided to play a flying tour and four performances will be made in Kansas City at Convention hall, commencing with a matinee on Sunday, December 27.

The clever little Scottish comedian who is idolized in England and who has appeared before King Edward a score of times by royal command has created an even greater furore on this side of the water. To the possession of a splendid deep baritone he adds the ability to write songs that linger in the memory and then he sings them as on one can sing them. There is a rollicking go and dash to his work that is a real treat and in the sincerity of his humor lies his chiefest charm.

Harry Lauder is a revelation to those who have never seen him and his charm of personality cannot be described with types. It can only be said that he haunts the memory, and one wants to see him over and over again.