Will Take Place This Afternoon.
Police to Attend.
Mrs. Albert O. Dalbow, the widow of Patrolman Dalbow, killed in the city hall riot, yesterday accompanied her brother-in-law, Joseph Dalbow, to his home at Sixty-first street and Troost avenue. She will live there until she makes other arrangements after the funeral of her husband.
The funeral services will be at the home of Joseph Dalbow this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The body will be placed in a vault at Forest Hill cemetery.
A special order was issued yesterday afternoon by Chief of Police Daniel Ahern detailing officers to act as pallbearers and as an escort. The pall bearers will be officers John Tarpey, H. A. Eads, Edward Boyle, John P. Withrow, M. A. Savage and George Hightower.
Chief Ahern telephoned to the police chiefs of Kansas City, Kas, and Leavenworth, inviting them to send a representation of the police departments of their cities to attend the funeral of Patrolman Dalbow. Thirty patrolmen were ordered to act as the special escort and the night men were urged to attend. The police detail will be in charge of Drill Master Lang.
David E. Bowden, chief of police of Kansas City, Kas., last night made out a list of twenty-two patrolmen and officers which detail will represent the Kansas Cit, Kas., police department at the funeral of former Patrolman Dalbow.