LOUIS HARTMAN IS A FARMER. ~ Man That Shot Pratt Is Applicant for Position of Guard at the Penitentiary.

December 9, 1908

Man That Shot Pratt Is Applicant
for Position of Guard at the
Louis Hartman, the Farmer Who Shot Pratt
He May Have Fired the Bullet That
Ended Fanatic Pratt's Fusillade.

Louis Hartman, who grabbed a revolver from Patrolman Coughlin's hand and possibly fired the shot that settled Pratt, is a farmer at Trimble, Mo. He helped to build the Metropolitan tunnel on West Eighth street, and is prominently identified with Republican politics in the northern counties of Missouri. He is an applicant for one of the positions of guard at the state penitentiary at Jefferson City, and was in the city yesterday on matters pertaining to his appointment.

"I was standing in an adjoining saloon, and heard the shooting. I walked to the northwest corner of Main and Fourth streets, and there encountered Patrolman Coughlin, who was shooting at Pratt," said Hartman. "It was evident to me that from the way Coughlin was holding his gun he could not shoot effectively I stepped in front of him, saying, 'Level your gun on my shoulder.' He did so, but the bullet went wild. I took the gun out of the policeman's hand. Pratt was then on all fours, and his three children were about him. A woman was handing him a gun. I took aim, fired, and Pratt fell helpless to the sidewalk. Then the woman and children dispersed. I could have shot the woman, but I was prevented by the police on the opposite side of the street shooting in my direction."