First Seen by Thousands at St. Jo-
seph, Mo. -- Two Split at
Salina, Kas.
ST. JOSEPH, MO., Dec. 20. -- Lighting the dusky heavens with its incandescent glare, one of the most remarkable meteors ever seen in this part of the country was witnessed by thousands of people in St. Joseph shortly before 6 o'clock this evening.
The meteor was visible for about thirty seconds, while passing over St. Joseph and on southwest until it disappeared in Kansas, where it appeared to drop.
In appearance, the meteor looked like a ball of fire larger than a street lamp, shedding a string of sparks for many feet in its wake. Its course was marked by a peculiar white streak across the sky, which was visible for possibly fifteen minutes after its passage, and then waved as if blown about by the wind, and faded from sight.
WICHITA, KAS., Dec. 20. -- (Special.) The northern sky was brightly illuminated this evening at about 6 o'clock by a meteor of unusual brilliancy. It appeared to fall from the northeast. Many people in this city noticed the meteor and they are all of the opinion that it struck not many miles north of the city.
Telephone messages from farmers living between here and Sadgwick are to the effect that a meteor was seen, but they say it was north of them.
For at least two counties further west reports of the meteor continued to come in until midnight.
SALINA, KAS., Dec. 20. -- (Special.) About 6 o'clock tonight two meteors shot across the heavens from the northeast and were very low. Each star broke in two before it disappeared. The meteors were large and both were observed at the same time, and nothing is known as to whether or not they struck the ground.
Many telephone calls from the outlying districts in this, Saline, and adjoining counties tell of the celestial visitants being sighted in farming communities.
The farthest report west so far received was from Ellis county.