And It Will Be a Big Bag, too, big
as a Sack of Flour -- Many
People Are Giving
Markings on the Sacks to Be Distributed
From the Mayor's Christmas Tree.
Three automobiles which left the city hall at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning and were out only two hours collected $233 for the mayor's Christmas tree. The machines contained Mrs. J. F. Whiting, Mrs. L. H. Gaskell, Mrs. George F. Pelletier, Mrs. Mead W. Harrian, Mrs. Harry C. Wing, Mrs. A. L. Stocker, Mrs. Jule J. Levy, Mrs. Lee Lyon, Mrs. Albert S. Cahn, Mrs. Jules Davidson, Mrs. B. L. Sulzbacher, Mrs. Clarence D. Babb and Miss Lorena Whiting. A policeman went with each auto and one of them carried a one-legged newsboy and as a mascot.
"We did not have time to get over all the ground we wished," said A. E. Hutchins, chairman of the auto committee, "ans we did not realize what a sacrifice the women were making in giving their time to the project right at this time. The machines will be out again Wednesday, however, and the stock yards, the packing houses and those big office buildings which have not been covered will be visited. We will start earlier and stay longer next time."
The women, who were out yesterday, the policemen, the chauffeurs and the one-legged newsboy were given a luncheon at the Elks club at 1:30 p. m.
Three big transfer wagons started out yesterday morning calling on the retail grocers. A policeman was with each wagon. In soliciting the first few loads the police failed to get a list of the donors of goods. The committee wants all those who gave and whose names were not taken to send their names and addresses to Steve Sedweek at Convention hall, that they may be enrolled with the others.
Louis F. Shouse yesterday turned Convention hall over to the committee, and from now on all donations will be received at the main entrance. The bags, just the size of a twenty-five pound flour sack, were delivered in the afternoon and the work of filling them with candies, nuts, fruits and appropriate presents will begin at once.
At a meeting of the Musicians' union yesterday it was decided to furnish two concerts for the children, afternoon and evening. A big orchestra will be under the direction of Professor W. E. Devinney. Besides this, Alexander Christman will have a big mechanical organ in the hall which will play while the orchestra is resting. Music all the time, is the idea.
At a meeting of the committee yesterday it was decided to make preparations for 6,000 children at the hall Christmas day. If any more appear they will be cared for. A unique scheme has been decided upon to prevent repeating by those who would do such a thing. The committee will not divulge what the scheme is.
All of the gifts of groceries gathered by the wagons yesterday are being stowed away separate from the children's goods. This will be delivered to unfortunate families by wagons the day after Christmas. All letters received are now being carefully sorted and classified by districts for that purpose. No one is to be overlooked. Poor families who want anything of this kind can get it by writing to "Santa Clause, Care of Mayor Crittenden, Convention Hall," giving correct names and addresses.
Steve Sedweek, H. C. Manke, president of the eagles, and four firemen found plenty of work at Convention hall yesterday, real labor it was, too. One of the first loads to arrive was a box of 5,000 assorted tops, a gift from the employes of the Jones Dry Goods Company.
"We have toys for the children whom we expect at the hall on Christmas day," said Mr. Sedweek, "so these will be laid aside and put up in packages to be delivered to little ones who, through sickness or any other reason, cannot come to the hall.
"I have lots of Santa Claus letters here now and a package will be prepared for each child mentioned in them, and besides that the parents will get something substantial."
Among the articles gathered by the wagons yesterday canned goods led the list. Then there was flour, meal, potatoes, apples, oranges, bananas, jellies, bacon, ham, butter in bulk and otherwise, eggs, soap -- both toilet and laundry -- crackers, matches, breakfast foods of all kinds, in fact everything that may be found in a grocery store. Candies in buckets, baskets and boxes were donated along with dried fruits of all kinds on the map. There is plenty of salt and pepper, if it could be evenly divided, and a few cocoanuts, with all kinds of small nuts.
The candy, nuts and fruit will be used by the committee in filling the children's sacks, but the groceries will be delivered by wagon to the homes the day after Christmas.
One package received yesterday was found to contain a rat biscuit. One paper sack contained about three dozen boys' knives. Another package contained a half-dozen lamp chimneys. Then there are several boxes of decorations for the trees, along with an assorted lot of fancy vases with which to decorate a little home.
A little package wrapped in newspaper yesterday was found to contain a pair of gloves, two little mirrors and two leather purses. One package labeled "place on the tree" contained a beautiful baby hood, all white, soft and fluffy.
Among other things received yesterday was a lot of pretty pictures in frames, some of them in special boxes. A lot of clothing has also been donated and the committee wants more. Several tons of coal have been given and will be delivered on direction of the committee.
The committee says it wants nothing but the children at Convention hall on Christmas day. It will be too great a task to try and handle the adults then. They will be seen to later.
Arrangements have been made with a local photographer to have a big flashlight picture taken of the children as they mingle beneath the five big trees, with the five corpulent Santa Clauses.