MRS. PRATT RELEASED ON BOND. ~ Will Seek Employment and Live With Her Children.

December 24, 1908

Will Seek Employment and Live
With Her Children.

It will be a merry Christmas at the home of Thomas Pratt on Topping avenue. The four children of Mrs. Della Pratt, member of the rioting band of fanatics, have been there for a week and yesterday the mother was released from jail on bond. The amount at first decided upon was $5,000, but this was later cut to $3,000. The charge is second degree murder.

Mrs. Pratt, attired in heavy mourning, sat silently in the criminal court room while T. A. Frank Jones, her attorney, talked over the matter with Judge R. S. Latshaw. As soon as he had given bond for her appearance for trial March 1, she gathered up her belongings in the jail and started out to see her children.

"Mrs. Pratt will remain with her late husband's half-brother until her case can be disposed of," said Mr. Jones. "She will get employment and, after March, should she be freed, will go to her relatives in Texas."