SHRINERS TO BUILD TEMPLE. ~ At Annual Banquet Last Night $25,000 Was Subscribed.

December 3, 1908

At Annual Banquet Last Night $25,-
000 Was Subscribed.

Shriners who attended a banquet at the Coates hotel last night subscribed $25,000 towards a fund being raised to build a new temple on the lot owned by the Shriners at the southwest corner of Admiral boulevard and Vine street. The banquet was attended by 300 members of the Order of the Mystic Shrine and was presided over by Judge E. E. Porterfield.

A class of ninety-two initiates was taken into the order yesterday afternoon, followed by the annual election of officers early in the evening.

The officers for the ensuing year are: Howard F. Lea, illustrious potentate; John Q. Watkins, raban; John T. Harding, high priest and prophet; L. E. Riddle, oriental guide; Clarence H. Cheney, treasurer. Harry G. Henley was re-elected recorder.

Ethelbert F. Allen was elected chairman of the committee to collect $50,000 with which to build the new temple. Judge E. E. Porterfield, H. H. Noland and Mr. Lea were elected delegates to the international convention to be held at Louisville, Ky., next June.