Says the Rev. J. A. Sieibert -- Bible
Stories Should Not Be
Taken Literally.
That the story of the creation in Genesis is parabolic rather than historic, according to the advanced teachings regarding the interpretation of the Bible, was the theory by Rev. J. A. Seibert of the First Congregational church, Kansas City, Kas., in a paper read before the Ministerial Alliance at the meeting held yesterday morning at the Grand Avenue Methodist church.
Rev. Mr. Seibert stated in the beginning of his paper that he did not advance his personal views on the subject, but was speaking on behalf of the latter day study and thought on Bible teachings. After the paper had been read, Rev. S. M. Neel of the Central Presbyterian church and Rev. F. C. McConnell of the Calvary Baptist church made short talks opposing the new idea in the interpretation.
Rev. Mr. Seivert in his paper, "The Better Criticism of the Bible," advanced the idea that it is better to approach the study of the Scriptures with a mind open to criticism of the text than to accept all of its teachings; that it is better to receive any interpretation that will lead to a better understanding of its teaching than to be ignorant along all lines and try to believe each story as being literal instead of parabolic in its teachings. This led him to say that no one who had studied the Bible closely and from the advanced standpoint would accept the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as being purely literal, but that Adam and Eve were simply symbolical of the fist man and woman.
"A common sense view of the whole matter, coupled with the true spirit of Christianity," he continued, "will keep a man's mind open to search for the truth wherever it may be found, and there is now no need for the blind groping in the darkness for the truth. The Bible is real in its teachings and one who follows these teaching must lead a Christian life, which has its own rewards."