THERE'LL BE A CLEAN-UP NOW. ~ No More Indiscriminate Preaching in Streets, Say s Chief Ahern.

December 9, 1908

No More Indiscriminate Preaching in
Streets, Say s Chief Ahern.

The shooting was barely stopped, and the smoke was still to be seen, when Chief of Police Ahern intimated that there would be a general cleaning up of the city.

"You can say for the police department, that the police will be very careful hereafter in granting privileges to fanatics and street preachers. Arms will not be allowed to be carried, unless such carrier has obtained a permit. There are too many anarchists and law-breakers dwelling in the city. I intend to issue an order that will be so drastic that we will not be in danger of having another tragedy while I am chief of police."

Mayor Thomas T. Crittenden said yesterday afternoon, while he was watching his police officers parleying with Mrs. Pratt and the girls, that the city would have to be gone over with a fine-tooth comb and cleaned up. People like these fanatics will have to be disarmed and kept off the streets. There are too many persons in this town carrying revolvers, and an order will have to be made to put a stop to it. A more rigid police surveillance will be given the floating and non-working population. All fanatics will be given to understand that they will have to abide by the city ordinances, and not by any religious teachings which might conflict with our laws.