THIS LEAGUE HELPS CONVICTS. ~ Society for the Friendless Will Hold Annual Convention Here.

December 16, 1908

Society for the Friendless Will Hold
Annual Convention Here.

A league that is doing wonderful work of reclamation among criminals is the Society of the Friendless, which will hold its eighth annual meeting at the Grand Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, December 17 and 18.

Beginning Thursday evening with addresses by Mayor Thomas T. Crittenden, Jr., Judge T. F. Garver and the Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, D. D., the society will hold three sessions. Friday morning will be known as prison workers' conference and the speakers will be wardens, chaplains, prison and jail workers, ministers and superintendents of the society. The annual business meeting of the society will be held Friday afternoon. All interested in prison work are invited to attend the sessions.

The society is incorporated and working in seven states, and finding a foothold in three others. The general offices are in Topeka, where two temporary homes are conducted. Rev. Edward A. Fredenhagen is the general superintendent and organizer. The society is a member of the American Prison congress.

The purpose of the society is the prevention and cure of crime, reclamation and restoration of the criminal and the relief of the friendless and distressed. Work is secured for every ex-convict without friends or home.

Various departments are prevention of crime, prison reform, jail and prison evangelism, prisoners' aid and the temporary home. The society and its work is sustained by private subscriptions. Last year $11,792 was contributed.

The society has 6,000 members and nineteen leagues in existence. The First Friend is the official organ of the society, and it is published quarterly.