TREAT FOR JEWISH CHILDREN. ~ Lecture at Temple B'Nai Jehudah by Austrailian Traveler.

December 27, 1908

Lecture at Temple B'Nai Jehudah
by Austrailian Traveler.

The children of the B'Nai Jehudah congregation, Flora avenue and Linwood boulevard, were given a treat last night when they listened to a lecture by Alfred Foster of Australia, a traveler of note. The lecture was illustrated by stereopticon views, made from pictures taken by the lecturer in his travels, and included a trip from San Francisco through New Zealand, Tasmania, the Fiji islands and a portion of Australia. All the chief points of interest were illustrated and an entertaining description of the countries and people was given.

At the conclusion of the lecture, the ladies of the Temple Sisterhood distributed boxes of candy to each child present. More than 200 children enjoyed the entertainment.