VENTILATE CARS BY SCOOPS.~ That Is, Fresh Air Is Scooped in at End of the Run.

December 1, 1908

That Is, Fresh Air Is Scooped in at
End of the Run.

"There have been no general orders issued regarding the ventilation of cars," said Assistant General Manager W. A. Satterlee of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company yesterday. Complaint had been made that during the rush hours not enough fresh air is admitted to the street cars.

"There are all kinds of people riding on street cars," said Mr. Satterlee. "One kind calls ventilation fresh air, and another calls it a draft. Conductors are told to exercise their judgement about ventilation. We get complaints of the draft and the lack of fresh air in the car. The question is how to get it there and not have somebody catch cold. This street car business is something fierce in the fall and winter."

The company has everything its own way at the end of each division. There are not many passengers at terminals. Accordingly, an ironclad rule is enforced to open the front and rear doors 150 feet from terminals, and allow the rushing car to scoop up enough fresh air, or draft, to ventilate the car for the next hour.