Dr. W. S. Wheeler, City Health Com-
missioner, Declares the New Or-
leans Scheme a Fad.
"Medical inspectors in the public schools have asked the board of education to have surgeons remove adenoids from bad boys to make them good," reads a dispatch from New Orleans.
"Nothing but a fad," said Dr. W. S. Wheeler, city health commissioner, when shown the telegram last night. Though he is an earnest believer in medical inspection of the schools, Dr. Wheeler did not indorse the recommendation of the New Orleans inspectors, which he brands as faddishness.
"It is absurd to say that the removal of adenoids in bad boys will so alter their disposition as to make them good. Adenoids are simply glandular growths in the throat, back of tonsils, and are brought on by sever colds and other causes. Their removal often rids the victim of a certain impediment in speech, but as to any effect on the character of the boy who undergoes the operation, which is a simple one, there is none."