INAUGURATION OF GOVERNOR HADLEY. ~ Monday, January 11, 1909, at Jefferson City, Mo.

January 9, 1909

Monday, January 11, 1909, at Jef-
ferson City, Mo.

This is to notify all Republicans that desire to be present at the inauguration of the first Republican governor of Missouri since the civil war, that the Republican clubs of Kansas city will have a special train to Jefferson City via the Missouri Pacific railway.

The train will be at readiness to receive passengers at Kansas City Union depot, Sunday evening, January 10, at 11:50, and will arrive at Jefferson City at 7 a. m. Monday.

Tickets will be good going only on the special train.

Excursion tickets can be secured from any of the following members of the Republican special train committee:

Roy S. Davis, 1002 N. Y. Life; E. A. Norris, Ricksecker bldg; H. E. Barker, 15th & McGee; Leo Koehler, city hall; W. E. Griffin, 810 N. Y. Life bldg., or Missouri Pacific city ticket office, No. 901 Main street.