LOSES RIGHT TO HER CHILD. ~ Mother Signed Adoption Papers of Heir to $40,000 Estate.

January 27, 1909

Mother Signed Adoption Papers of
Heir to $40,000 Estate.

According to a ruling made yesterday by J. S. Hynes, judge pro tem of the probate court, Kansas City, Kas., a mother relinquishes all rights to direct the affairs of her offspring after she once signs adoption papers for the child.

The decision was handed down on the application of Ida Weeden for the appointment of a guardian for Dorothy Weeden-Gordon, the alleged illegitimate child of Monroe Gordon, the wealthy negro farmer who was murdered at his home near Bethel, Wyandotte county, last December.

It was proved by the records of the probate court that the infant heir to the $40,000 estate left by Gordon was legally adopted by Susan Wilson, mother of the murdered man, several years before he met his death. For this reason the application made by the natural mother of the child for the appointment of a guardian was dismissed.

"The affairs of the child rest entirely with its parent by adoption," said acting Judge Hynes. This means that Gordon's mother, through the rights of the child, will have something to say in the distribution of her murdered son's estate.

There is another alleged illegitimate child of Gordon who has set up a claim as an heir to his property, Robert Benjamin Gordon, 6 years old. Dorsey Green, an attorney, was appointed guardian for this infant claimant. The settlement of the estate promises to be accompanied with considerable litigation.