Grady Family Troubles Are
Aired in Court.
"I told him many times, 'Here's a dime. Buy a rope and hang yourself up."
That is the way Mrs. Lizzie Grady's father expressed his opinion of Grady to Judge James H. Slover of the circuit court yesterday. Mrs. Grady had sued for a divorce and there was no contest.
"Did he take the dime?" asked Judge Slover.
"I believe if he had taken it he would have spent it for drink," said the father.
"He never bought the rope, then?"
This testimony came at the end of a tale of cruelty related by the father. Other witnesses also said that the brief married life of the Gradys had been stormy.
Judge Slover granted Mrs. Grady the decree from Ernewst Grady and restored her maiden name of Frederick.