OLD CUSTOM SAW REVIVAL. ~ Flour Was Thrown on 'Change by Frisky Members Yesterday.

January 1, 1908

Flour Was Thrown on 'Change by
Frisky Members Yesterday.

There was fun on 'change yesterday and lots of it for a time. The furious frolicking and cutting up didos by the grain "boys" on 'change that was a feature of the closing day of the year a decade ago, but was put down by the more sobersided, was again revived. Near the hour of noon someone loosened a black cat from a bag in the grain pit and dropped a little paper bag of flour with it. This was a signal for a shower of paper bags filled with flour, and the more dignified ran to cover, but not before most of them had been pretty well whitened.

This was followed by the loosing of a greased pig on the floor. Some of the sobersided thought that it was disgraceful, but most of the members were glad to see the "boys" come back to life. Who started it no one would tell. It was generally thought that Frank Logan was not innocent, and W. W. Cowen got credit for a share. "Billy" Grant was very sober and said nothing.

The last of these frolics, until yesterday, was about ten years ago, and it was so boisterous that the authorities put a stop to them. At that time G. E. Thayer and Harry Reed were alive and, with W. W. Cowen and "Billy" Grant, the last day of the year on 'change was made to howl, and everyone wore his oldest and most dilapidated apparel. But yesterday most everyone was taken unawares. One of the telegraph boys caught the pig and was allowed to keep it.