PIPE OF PEACE AT THE DEPOT. ~ Ten Omaha Indians Take Council. Smoke From Same Bowl.

January 6, 1909

Ten Omaha Indians Take Council.
Smoke From Same Bowl.

Ten grunts, twenty puffs of strangely scented smoke from one pipe, a look of satisfaction on ten faces, completed the round of good fellowship among a band of Indians, who, with their families, spent several hours at the Union depot yesterday. They were Omahas on the return trip to their reservation near Omaha, Neb., from a few weeks visit with their fellow tribesmen in Oklahoma.

The chief of the band carried a large pipe which he filled carefully. With the true Indian hospitality he lighted the pipe, took two puffs and passed it on to the next member of the party, and so on until the ten, gathered in a circle for the smoke, had each taken two puffs. Then the pipe was restored to the pocket of the chief of the band, each Indian said something and then began the stroll from one end of the depot to the other.